Miya, M., T. Sado, K. Saitoh, M.H. Doosey, H.L. Bart, Jr., I. Doadrio, Y. Keivany, J. Shrestha, V. Lheknim, R. Zardoya, M. Nishida, R.L. Mayden. 2009. Mitochondrial Phylogenomics to Resolve The Cypriniformes Tree of Life: A New Perspective Based on th

Miya, M., T. Sado, K. Saitoh, M.H. Doosey, H.L. Bart, Jr., I. Doadrio, Y. Keivany, J. Shrestha, V. Lheknim, R. Zardoya, M. Nishida, R.L. Mayden. 2009. Mitochondrial Phylogenomics to Resolve The Cypriniformes Tree of Life: A New Perspective Based on the 363 sequences Abstracts of the 88th ASIH Annual Meeting. Portland, Oregon, USA. July 22-27, 2009.

Conference Papers

تحت نظارت وف ایرانی

Miya, M., T. Sado, K. Saitoh, M.H. Doosey, H.L. Bart, Jr., I. Doadrio, Y. Keivany, J. Shrestha, V. Lheknim, R. Zardoya, M. Nishida, R.L. Mayden. 2009. Mitochondrial Phylogenomics to Resolve The Cypriniformes Tree of Life: A New Perspective Based on th | Dr. Yazdan Keivany


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