Keivany, Y., and J.S. Nelson. 1997. Validity of Pungitius hellenicus, a ninespine stickleback from Greece, with comments on other species. Abstracts of the 77th ASIH Annual Meeting. Seattle, USA.

Keivany, Y., and J.S. Nelson. 1997. Validity of Pungitius hellenicus, a ninespine stickleback from Greece, with comments on other species. Abstracts of the 77th ASIH Annual Meeting. Seattle, USA.

Conference Papers

تحت نظارت وف ایرانی

Keivany, Y., and J.S. Nelson. 1997. Validity of Pungitius hellenicus, a ninespine stickleback from Greece, with comments on other species. Abstracts of the 77th ASIH Annual Meeting. Seattle, USA. | Dr. Yazdan Keivany


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