Coad, B.W. and Y. Keivany. 2002. Book review: “Atlas of Iranian fishes: Gilan inland waters”, “The inland freshwater fishes of Iran”, “A guide to the fauna of Iran”, and “Freshwater fishes of Iran”. Copeia, 2002 (4): 1165-1166.

تحت نظارت وف ایرانی

Coad, B.W. and Y. Keivany. 2002. Book review: “Atlas of Iranian fishes: Gilan inland waters”, “The inland freshwater fishes of Iran”, “A guide to the fauna of Iran”, and “Freshwater fishes of Iran”. Copeia, 2002 (4): 1165-1166. | Dr. Yazdan Keivany


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تحت نظارت وف ایرانی